Saturday, September 12, 2009

Reason #14

I have got to be Mr. Butler's craziest fan. Not because I'm willing to throw my naked body on top of his limousine (I'm not, I hate road rash) but because given a night free of my children I am willing to pollute my senses by watching the entire Gamer movie just for the scene where he's in the hallway, tormented. And yes, I almost think the graphic violence was worth the wait; his head in his hands, tortured by being forced to kill a friend, he clearly just needed me to give him a big hug.

Don't get me wrong, I'm old but I'm not entirely against violence in a movie, I just like my violence a little less realistic. I prefer werewolves and vampires myself.

Oh, but I will say about Gamer, if you survive to the 'West Side Story Prologue/I've Got You Under My Skin' scene, that one's down right artsy; brilliant really.

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