Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Reason #20

I'm well traveled. Not in that way! Really people, pull your mind out of the gutter. I mean I have traveled out of my state, out of the Midwest, and out of my country. I've found myself on a bus near midnight whose driver didn't speak English and who had reached the end of his route (unbeknowse to me until that moment) and convinced him to drive me back into town without speaking his language. Hello, by being nice of course! Haven't you been paying attention during this blog?!

I've been lucky to have parents who love to travel, who gave me the same desire to see places and to get into situations that challenged me, at least a little. Traveling has given me confidence in my own abilities and helped me realize how much of what we assume is 'the right way' is really just 'our way' of doing things.

So yes, I would like to hope I'm not too provincial, and yet, I haven't been to Scotland. So if Mr. Butler stops by I imagine I could appreciate his slightly different world view while still being really interested to hear his stories of Scotland. (A place I hope to visit in the future.)

Image stolen from Q Online Gifts website....

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